Jonicus, “The First Astronomer”. Image courtesy of The Getty’s Open Content. Link.

Jonicus, “The First Astronomer”. Image courtesy of The Getty’s Open Content. Link.

The Society for the European History of Ideas (SEHI, pronounced SEE-high) is a network of scholars from all continents studying the European history of ideas. In particular, we focus on those incremental changes which, in the longue durée, result in paradigmatic metamorphoses in conceptual schemes, mentalities and intellectual habits in theology, philosophy, science, mathematics, as well as in the arts, literature, and music. Within this broad purview, most members of SEHI are particularly interested in the paradigmatic changes that have characterised the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity.

The Society is open to all interested scholars, who may sign up at the join tab.

A little history and a glimpse beyond

SEHI was founded by the participants of an international conference devoted to “The Metaphysics and Theology of the Eucharist” held September 1-4, 2021, in Budapest, Hungary, organized by the Research Center for the History of Ideas (RCHI, nicknamed “Archie”) of the Institute of Hungarian Research (IHR), ringing in, as its “scholarly prelude”, the 54th International Eucharistic Congress.

The founding members of the SEHI (“The Aquincum Group”, so named after the conference venue—see below) agreed to establish the Society and publish the conference volume as the first volume of the series the Proceedings of the Society for the European History of Ideas (for short, Proceedings of SEHI). They have also agreed that the Society’s web site will be set up and managed by SEHI’s managing director, Boaz Faraday Schuman. Finally, the participants agreed that the next meeting of SEHI will be in Lisbon, Portugal, to be hosted by Dr. Filipa Afonso of the Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon.

In August, 2022, SEHI met again in Lisbon, for their second annual conference, “First Principles: Semantical, Metaphysical, Theological”. More information about both these meetings can be found under the Past Meetings tab.

Subsequently, in the fall of 2022, the Executive Committee of SEHI was established, to oversee fundraising for and organisation of upcoming meetings. The committee comprises Filipa Afonso, Richard Cross, Gyula Klima, Fr. Reginald Lynch, and Boaz Faraday Schuman.

For more information, see the Future Meetings tab.

The Aquincum Group

The Aquincum Group comprises the founding members of SEHI, whose inaugural meeting was held in Budapest in the summer of 2021.


Filipa Afonso (University of Lisbon,

Guido Alt (Stockholm University,

László Bene (Eötvös Loránd University,

Gábor Borbély (Eötvös Loránd University,

Benedetta Contin (University of Vienna,

Milo Crimi (University of California, Los Angeles,

Richard Cross (University of Notre Dame,

Giacomo Fornasieri (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta,

György Geréby (Central European University,

Noah Hahn (Fordham University,

Joshua Hochschild (Mount St. Mary’s University,

Gyula Klima, Founding Director (“Archie”/Fordham University,

Henrik Lagerlund (Stockholm University,

Ian Levy (Providence College,

Ross McCullough (George Fox University,

Turner Nevitt (University of San Diego,

Calvin Normore (University of California, Los Angeles,

Stephen Ogden (University of Notre Dame,

Andrew Pinsent (University of Oxford,

István Perczel (Central European University,

Dinner at our inaugural meeting in Budapest

Dinner at our inaugural meeting in Budapest

Dániel Schmal (Pázmány Péter Catholic University,

Boaz Faraday Schuman, Managing Director (University of Copenhagen,

David Twetten (Marquette University,

Giovanni Ventimiglia (University of Lucerne,

Jack Zupko (University of Alberta,